Egg Totals

Date of First Egg Laid:
Queenie—February 26, 2016
Princess—March 1, 2016
Duchess—March 11, 2016

Yearly Total:
2016—715 eggs

Montly Total (2016):
January......Not Applicable
February.....Q-3 = 3 eggs
March.........Q-29 + P-30 + D-18 = 77 eggs
April............Q-27 + P-30 + D-29 = 86 eggs
May.............Q-25 + P-29 + D-30 = 84 eggs
June............Q-24 + P-27 + D-27 = 78 eggs
July..............Q-20 + P-25 + D-26 = 71 eggs
August.........Q-16 + P-26 + D-28 = 70 eggs
September...Q-19 + P-23 + D-22 = 64 eggs
October........Q-18 + P-24 + D-22 = 64 eggs
November....Q-14 + P-25 + D-23 = 62 eggs
December....Q- 15 + P-20 + D-21 = 56 eggs

Largest Egg of the Month:
January......Not Applicable
February.....Q-1.3 oz
March.........Q-1.6 oz,   P-1.8 oz,   D-1.7 oz
April............Q-1.73 oz, P-1.87 oz, D-1.94 oz
May.............Q-1.73 oz, P-1.90 oz, D-1.83 oz
June............Q-1.73 oz, P-1.80 oz, D-1.94 oz
July..............Q-1.73 oz, P-1.80 oz, D-1.87 oz
August.........Q-1.76 oz, P-1.76 oz, D-1.90 oz
September...Q-1.76 oz, P-1.87 oz, D-1.90 oz
October........Q-1.83 oz, P-1.87 oz, D-2.01 oz
November....Q-1.87 oz, P-1.94 oz, D-2.08 oz
December....Q-1.94 oz, P-1.94 oz, D-2.15 oz

Additional Information:
We had hoped that our hens would lay distinctly different eggs so we could tell them apart, but Queenie (Golden Laced Wyandotte) and Duchess (Barred Plymouth Rock) lay similar colored eggs. We are getting better at knowing which is which, but I'm sure we occasionally get it wrong. On days when these two lay eggs of different weights, I give Duchess credit for the larger one if I can't tell them apart. Princess (Rhode Island Red) lays darker brown eggs so it's easy to know which are hers.

When we are out of town, our neighbors help us record the number of eggs, but we don't ask them to weigh the eggs for us. When we can't see the eggs ourselves, we can't know which chicken took a day off when there are less than three eggs per day. This happened once and when I questioned our neighbor she said one egg was dark and one egg was small, so I gave credit to Princess and Queenie.

I point out all this to let you know that egg totals and weights for individual chickens are as accurate as can be, but are not 100% accurate.

We feed our flock layer pellets and allow them to free range for several hours a day. They are also provided grit and oyster shell.