January 27, 2016

Forgotten Seeds

You know how sometimes you see something so often that you really don't notice it anymore? Well, that's what happened to me the other day. I was putting things away in the pantry after a shopping trip and I discovered a jar of seed packets I had forgotten I had.

They were sitting in plain sight, but I've been overlooking them for a long time. And, then I remembered another stash of seeds I have.

They sit on a shelf above the kitchen sink, but I rarely give them a second thought. I decided to pull out all of the packets to see exactly what I have. With spring just around the corner, we might actually be able to use some of these.

There are quite a few vegetable seeds: purple hull peas, okra (enough to plant a whole field), sweet 100 tomatoes, green beans, butter beans, fordhook limas, squash, and dipper gourds.

The flower seeds include: Texas bluebonnets (I wish I'd remembered I had these in the fall), wildflower mix, butterfly mix, and sunflowers. The zinnia packets are empty!?

And there are others (not pictured) that were collected from our garden: purple coneflower and fragrant blue mist flower (it's unlikely I'll need these).

Fragrant Blue Mistflower took over our garden in 2015.
Most of these seeds are several years old, so I can't be certain they are still viable. I guess there's only one way to find out...


  1. Just the same! Maria and I are going to sow seeds today, before it rains... who know what'll pop up!

  2. That wooden cheese box looks childhood...and home! Love you, Mom.


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